

With advancements in modern medicine and healthier lifestyles we are all living longer and staying more active in retirement, which also means that we need more money to fund our retirement.

At IFP we offer financial planning assistance for our retired clients focuses on achieving sustainable income streams through multiple channels including a combination of government benefits and drawings from superannuation; executing effective tax minimisation outcomes; managing risk to ensure longevity of your funds, dividends from investments in addition to effectively structuring the transfer of assets to your family.

Our comprehensive suite of retirement planning advisory services include:

  • Superannuation and Self-managed Super Funds (SMSF)
  • Investment Risk Management
  • Pensions & Income Streams
  • Tax Minimisation Strategies
  • Estate Planning
  • Aged Care Planning
  • Social Security Benefits/Centrelink Age Pension

With over 40 years of retirement planning experience, our team of highly qualified professionals have worked extensively to develop a solid and successful retirement planning structure which enables our clients to achieve financial independence and peace of mind as they enter the next stage of their lives or continue to enjoy their retirement.

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

Old Chinese Proverb