Whilst most people would never consider driving a car without motor insurance, less than a third of us insure our most important asset – our ability to earn an income. AT IFP, we believe that one of the most critical components of any comprehensive financial strategy is protecting your personal and financial wellbeing from unforeseen illness, injury, permanent incapacity, traumatic illness or death.
Our experienced team of Financial Advisers will assist you to structure a risk management strategy to determine the most appropriate insurance solutions specific to your individual circumstances.
Our specialist range of insurances solutions include:
At IFP, we highly recommend that all our clients obtain protection for themselves, in the same way we readily protect and insure our homes and cars, as we have observed the invaluable advantages a responsive and comprehensive insurance strategy can have in difficult and painful times.
More than one in five working age parents will die, become seriously injured, or ill enough to prevent them from working.
*Lifewise/National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling, 2010