Estate Planning

Estate planning

Comprehensive estate planning services sets in place strategies and structures that help our clients plan in advance, to ensure the assets they leave behind after their passing fall into the right hands, at the right time, giving confidence that their wishes for the future are secure.

If you don’t have a plan, the government has one for you, but you probably won’t like it. It may involve going to court to prove who is entitled to your assets. Having a plan in place, can make things easier for the people you leave behind, at what will be a very emotional time.

Estate planning services include:


  • Nominate a guardian for minor children
  • Provide for family members with special needs
  • Provide for loved ones who are unable to manage their own money or who may need future protection from relationship breakdown
  • Minimise taxes, court costs, and unnecessary legal fees

Enduring Power of Attorney

An Enduring Power of Attorney provides another person to act on your behalf in property and financial matters. It ensures that important matters are dealt with by someone you trust if you are unable to deal with them yourself. An Enduring Power of Attorney is an extremely valuable document which provides peace of mind and certainty that business and personal matters will be carried out on your behalf if you were unable to make such decisions yourself.

Businesses Succession Planning

Without an appropriately structured Shareholder Agreement or Buy-Sell Agreement, businesses risk the possibility of not surviving planned or unplanned exits from the business. To enable for a smooth transition with less likelihood of disruption to your business operations and provide a roadmap for:

  • Restrictions on selling shares
  • How the business should be valued when shares are sold or a shareholder passes away
  • How disputes between shareholders can be resolved
  • Flexibility for growth and change

To discuss your estate planning requirements contact the team at IFP Perth.